Thursday, April 29, 2010

Good bye Old Friend

I could say that I'm sorry to see you go, but that would be a lie. You have not served me well. Sometimes, it's better just to make a "clean" break!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New Lamp

On a side note, here's the new lamp I got for $10.00 which I outfitted with an etsy made shade that was NOT $10.00:) Loving it in my living room, 70's vintage wallpaper.

Metal Tiles

A better look at those metal tiles before they came down...........YUCK!

Demo Day 1

Got home from work and found that all the tile had been taken off the walls. My contractor found old metal tiles underneath the Home Depot specials that were there. He had never seen anything like it, very strange, clearly not decorative. Tomorrow, the plumbing fixtures get pulled!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Count down to bathroom renovation..........if I'm not losing my mind, I'll try and take some before and after photos.

Photo by Aram Boghosian

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Be Gentle

I continue to be in a mode where I am reading memoirs and self help books. Just this morning I finished the book: The Happiness Project. I didn't really love this book but I couldn't really pin point why. Then upon further reflection I realized it's because my life has been one long happiness project. There was not one thing in the book that I had not taken on at some point in my life with intention and fierce determination, in order to make myself "a better person". Food journal? Check! Joining a new group? Check! Bringing people together? Constantly!

Mindfulness, clutter clearing, new hobbies? Check, check, check! In fact, if I wrote the book of my happiness project it would probably be double the length and twice as boring. I felt tired after reading the book and reminded that it just may be my own quest for happiness that has me tired out most of the time.

When I feel that my life long happiness project is getting out of hand, I always come back to the yogic term Ahimsa which means non-violence. So my resolution just for today anyway is gentleness.

Feeling good enough rather than feeling like we have to beat ourselves into submission to be better is the hardest resolution of all!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Family Night

As your children get older it really feels as if all family members are just ships that pass in the night. Tonight is an attempt to bring us all together with a scheduled dinner and movie. Will see if I can really pull it off.................

When she Dances

Les filles à retordre, originally uploaded by E.m.m.a...

When she dances
she shakes off her worldly disguise,
leaves her shoes, worries and date book behind,
slinks into velvet and spice and lets her skin contain her gently,
like a glove around her soul.

When she dances
she shuts down the outside,
opens up the inside
and clears away the static
so the dances simply come.

When she dances, sometimes the past melts away.
All that matters is this moment that seems to span all time.
Every step becomes a net, in which she captures her life,
shines it up so others can see, then lets it go like a dream.
When she doesn't dance,
and the days go by without celebration,
a crust forms.
she grows an edge and is impatient with others and herself.
But when she dances once again, she comes back to the temple.
The pressure drops to normal and she smiles.

Something else happens when she dances.
The stiffness in the morning dissipates in a steam.
The in elegance of gravity and age fade away like magic.

When you look closely, you can not tell
if she is young, or old or even middle-aged.
She is no particular age at all,
but the perpetual maiden, in a mother's body,
with a wise woman's soul
she will let you see into.... when she dances.

Adapted from a Woman's Book of Power by Karen Andes

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Tadasana (mountain pose), originally uploaded by Richard-.

Searching for balance.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Marathon Day

, originally uploaded by sharon_k.

A Sunny and Cool Marathon day

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Birthday Redeemed

Twas the Night Before, originally uploaded by boopsie.daisy.

Great night seeing the movie The Joneses and dinner at 10 Tables.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Letting go

Tonseria, originally uploaded by Delmira.

Letting go is hard.


Started the day off with a dance class! Figured that was a good way to jump into my 44th year.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Birthday Blues

Worst birthday party ever, originally uploaded by edition_of_one.

What is it about birthdays that can put you into a funk? For me, it's not necessarily the getting older part. It's more about missing the people who are no longer here and having to really notice how much things have changed over the years. Moving forward is not for the faint of heart!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

College Bound

the new girl, originally uploaded by dear detective.

Spending the day at an American University Reception for my college bound son. Dreams have already started now that it is becoming more real. A new time of life.

Friday, April 9, 2010


kitchen nook, originally uploaded by artgoodieshome.

Slow Down, you move too fast. Got to make the moment last

Thursday, April 8, 2010


I Love the Beach!, originally uploaded by Bunny Spice.

Looking to Jump into Freedom!

Life's Questions

, originally uploaded by sallyspears.

Getting tired of going back and forth about some big questions regarding which direction to take with my current fork in the road. Looking for peace of mind and an end to all the noisy chatter in my head.


Mary, originally uploaded by Anahata Katkin.

Counting my blessings.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

dreams of diving

old and new, originally uploaded by nestdecorating.
Just when a wave sweeps you under, someone throws you a life preserver.


, originally uploaded by Lhise.

Grey Tuesday

Birthday Bliss

My birthday is in a week and this is what I'm hoping for.

I'm the yellow guy today!

I'm the yellow guy today but feeling blue.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Hearing a lot about this book, if you are like me and have gained and lost the same twenty pounds over the last 15 years, maybe this is the key. Just ordered it on Amazon.

Happy Place

spick and span..., originally uploaded by dottie angel.

I am finding that I have so much creative energy right now and absolutely no time for all the projects that I want to tackle. This beautiful studio picture is one of the many inspirations for what I want to accomplish in my studio.


Bathtime, originally uploaded by heatdance.

After meeting with contractor and designer tonight, feeling overwhelmed at having to scale down bathroom remodel but also how much work it will take despite being such a basic project. How will our vain family of 4 make due with one bathroom for a month?


You either love her or you hate her. I love her. We both like to tell it like it is for good or for bad. I confess that I go to her blog everyday. I've written in many times and she's answered me around 8 times. Very fun! The day I met her in Natick, MA. we had a great conversation, definitely a memorable moment. I am so psyched she is coming back to daytime in 2011! If you haven't seen them, check out both her HBO Documentaries!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010


yard, originally uploaded by blessed wild apple girl.

What I wish my back garden looked like!


DSCN1137, originally uploaded by heatdance.

Light Bearers

We are the light bearers, stewards
of a truth that insists on being
shared despite doubt or fear
or imagined limitation.
We spread the flame
by teaching or by growing still,
by daring to be outrageous
and dancing beneath the full moon,
or by holding a friend in need
and taking part in life's normal routines.
This is our message--
there is hope encoded in each cell,
each loving thought,
each time we reach out to one another.
There's truth that won't be stopped
by toppling buildings, snipers' bullets,
war clouds on the horizon, or the inner storms
of grief, despair and insecurity.
We are the peace we've been seeking,
the peace that stretches
beyond the mind's need
for form or understanding
the peace for which each human heart longs.
Now is the time
for the light bearers to offer up the truth
of who and what we really are.

Danna Faulds

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Wing-Ding, originally uploaded by retro-space.

Party Time Tonight!

Friday, April 2, 2010



Danna Faulds

Despite illness of body or mind, in spite of blinding despair or habitual belief, who you are is whole.

Let nothing keep you separate from the truth. The soul, illumined from within, longs to be known for what it is.

Undying, untouched by fire or the storms of life, there is a place inside where stillness and abiding peace reside.You can ride the breath to go there.

Despite doubt or hopeless turns of mind, you are not broken. Spirit surrounds, embraces, fills you from the inside out. Release everything that isn't your true nature. What's left, the fullness, light and shadow, claim all that as your birthright.