Sunday, April 24, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Flower Power

I just can't quit the flower power habit!

Freshening up

I usually love to rearrange furniture but for some reason in my current house, things seem to be where they are supposed to be, leaving less room for creativity. Instead I'm just switching up all my pillows. Liking that the living room feels a little more whimsical with these pillows.

Had the ultimate in fun last night attending an 80's prom. There is NOTHING I'd rather do than spend the night dancing to 80's music. One of the best parts is that miraculously, I was able to wear the same dress that I wore in 1983. Same dress and even better, SAME DATE!


I am hoping that since I got a new camera, I will be a bit more inspired for blogging. I can tell already that it takes WAY better photos. Here are a few things around the house that I'm loving.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Buffy & Mrs Beasley

I was a huge fan of the show Family affair. I wanted a Mrs. Beasley doll so badly. This photo is so darling!

Vintage fabric neckties

Vintage fabric neckties, originally uploaded by kitschcafe.

Wish I could buy all of these for my husband!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Textile Love

...and more pillows... by yellowhouse72
...and more pillows..., a photo by yellowhouse72 on Flickr.

These prints make me so happy!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

vintage medical cabinet

vintage medical cabinet by So Sylvie
vintage medical cabinet, a photo by So Sylvie on Flickr.

This cabinet is exactly what I need for my bathroom!!!