Monday, March 29, 2010

home sweet home

home sweet home, originally uploaded by SpacePotato.

Sweet Dreams

The Metta Prayer

May all beings be happy, content and fulfilled.
May all beings be healed and whole.
May all have whatever they want and need.
May all be protected from harm, and free from fear.
May all beings enjoy inner peace and ease.
May all be awakened, liberated and free.
May there be peace in this world, and throughout the entire universe.

First Grade

My Favorite book from First Grade.


PATCHES, originally uploaded by Patrick Q.


in the bath

in the bath, originally uploaded by allison anne.

Still waiting for my bathroom renovation to begin. We need all new plumbing and have a tub that hasn't really drained well in the four years we have lived here. Therefore, the ability to have a luxurious soak in a nice clean tub continues to allude me. On this cold, rainy day it would be just the perfect thing.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Last night a friend and I went to a comedy club. My friend's college friend Mary is a comedian and had flown in from L.A to perform in Boston, so my friend invited me along. Since I NEVER say no to a good time, of course I agreed without hesitation. I do have to add here that I do somewhat bristle when I think of comedy clubs as I have a deep seated fear of being involved in audience participation. Specifically, I am afraid of being publicly humiliated and embarrassed. Happily, the pleasure seeker in me won out as usual. (I stubbornly won't give into fear). Anyway, we watched 2 sets before Mary came out. The first 2 acts were very funny with their over the top improv characters. Finally for the third set, it was Mary's turn. She came out with several other 40 and 50 something aged women who were clearly the most seasoned performers. I was moved and inspired by how brave, talented and confidant these woman were.
A few of them, I recognized from movies and t.v but they were all united in their seamless improvisational collaboration. I just kept thinking that these women flew all this way to do these shows in this tiny little Boston theater next to a local bar where just a few hours prior, the bartender had accidentally spilled wine all over Mary's white coat and pants. I thought that clearly, this is the work they were meant to do. It didn't matter what the venue was, what happened prior to the show, this is work that they are compelled to do even when it's uncomfortable or clearly not glamourous. The piece I decided to come away with was that if we are doing the work we were meant to do, that it is almost impossible to keep us from it. Even when we are in denial or when fears creep in, signs will keep popping up to remind us to get back on the path. Trusting that can be truly one of the hardest things, but I have to wonder what's the alternative?

Friday, March 26, 2010



Despite being a rainy and very dark Friday, I am hopeful that there is much fun to be had this weekend. I have super duper plans both nights, so stay tuned..............


Oh, Oh, Oh, It's Magic

I was thinking this morning as I was grabbing a mug and pouring my morning decaf that my love of anything magical goes back as far as I can remember. When I little, I was addicted to I Dream of Jeannie and even carried a picture of Barbara Eden around in my wallet. We were lucky enough to have a leather bottle at our house which my best friend and I would use in our Jeannie game. Even now, if I had all the money in the world, I would design a room in my house to replicate Jeannie's bottle. A few years ago, I gave that same best friend (now in her 40's) a full Jeannie costume. (She had the blonde pony tail and a much better figure for it). I believe she won a prize for best costume at her Bunko Halloween party. When I was in my thirties, my dad gave me a Jeannie doll which I now display in my kitchen. It makes me happy! Now, if I could only get my hands on a Bewitched doll......................

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Meet Chet

Meet Chet

Here I go, in the hopes of balancing out the somber tone of my last post. I want to share one of my more current, enjoyable inspirations in my home: my new mannequin Chet. I must admit that my family is not wild about Chet, my husband does not understand how I don't see the creepiness factor. On the contrary, not only do I not find Chet creepy, I have found it hugely fun and creatively lucrative to give Chet a whole "back story" Oddly enough, Chet and I share many of the same passions: Miami, Esther Williams movies and an eagerness to make me happy. Chet is always super supportive, never judging me and always ready for fun at a moments notice. Sometimes, it scares me how easily his story rolls off my tongue. For example, my husband and I were hosting a large dinner party for a group of physicians and my husband suggested it might be fun if we put a stethoscope on Chet. Even I was surprised when I responded: well, ok but only if we tell people he is not really a doctor just uses the stethoscope to meet cute, male nurses. (we ended up not going with the stethoscope). I'm sure Chet's story will grow and evolve with only the limits of my vivid imagination. For now, every time I walk by Chet and see that wonderful creative "blank slate" I feel lucky to have found "someone" who so can so easily transport me into my technicolor dreams!

Pleasure Seeker seeks Pleasure

Am I Enough?

So I was reading a post just now on a blog where the blogger's rule was to blog nothing negative, only happy stuff. I admire that and part of me really wanted to be able to pull that off. However, the reality is that the best I can do at this point in my life, is just not to be dreadfully depressing. I mean, I can't be the only blogger over 40 whose life in the last 15 years changed from tiny adoring children, weddings, baby showers, healthy friends and family to grown children, divorce, illness and death. O.K, I lied that IS dreadfully depressing! Yet isn't that just the reason that we are all searching for inspiration and wanting to share what we find with others. Because, life is hard, so when we get knocked down and our creative wells run dry, we sure hope that the collective, creative spirit whether in our communities, nature, or the blogosphere is there ready, willing and able to swoop in and replenish us. So instead of succumbing to the pressure to put on a happy face 100% of the time, I've decided to recommit to authenticity and trust. Hoping that somehow the ups and downs, the ebbs and flows, will balance themselves out and that somehow it will all be enough.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Have a seat


I've been really wanting some chairs for the way back of the yard so that I'd have somewhere to sit with the dog as well as have a nice focal point out my kitchen window. I've always loved the colorful adirondack chairs that I've seen on design blogs and in magazines, but after a bit of research today, it was clear that it was just too expensive to go the authentic wooden route. Usually, I would just do without rather than go with resin, but decided that these work o.k for now and serve my purpose. At Ace Hardware at $18/chair the price certainly was right! My husband says he'd prefer just 2 but seeing the 4 make me happy thinking that someone just might pop over for a mojito anytime now.

Friday, March 19, 2010



Life changer

For all you Etsyaholics, Apartment therapy just had a link to shows everything you are searching for on one page of thumbnails. Much easier to peruse! This is going to be dangerous.

Confession to make................


I had an experience this morning which compels me to make a confession. I am actually someone who enjoyed high school. Now the reason I share this is that this morning my 18 year old son texted me for the umpteenth time over the last 4 years, asking me to bring something to him that he had forgotten. Well, being the great mom that I am (a.k.a enabler) I drove over on my way to work. When I got there, the back parking lot was coned off and was crawling with teenagers all playing and enjoying the beautiful weather. As I got out of my car and walked through the crowds, I was overcome with such a sense of anything being possible. Just by osmosis, I felt younger and freer being around the youth and exuberance of these teenagers. I felt so hopeful and alive and happy for them that they were living this moment. We are all so bombarded by negative anecdotes or media stories about teenagers, yet here was a picture that was just as real but yet so much more positive. Then, my own son came out the double doors of the school and into the sun and not only did I feel happy, I felt grateful!

Our Deepest Fear

Our Deepest Fear

I have many friends who are artists and many friends who like me are constantly creating. What is the difference? Yes, we are all aware of the school of thought that would have us believe that we aren't artists, writers, dancers, singers, etc. until we get paid for it. There is still a part of me that feels that way too. Many of my friends create beautiful work just for themselves or their friends and family but work long hours at different jobs. They are inspiring people by the images or homes they create. What do you call these people? Amateurs? Some folks are trying to sell their incredible creations but it's a competitive world and their time hasn't come yet. How long do they wait to feel validated in their talent? If we wait for the world to define our gifts, we could wait a long time and be derailed from work we were put here to do. I don't have the answer to this but what comes to mind is my absolute favorite quote by Marianne Williamson.Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

One of my favorite artists


Every week I think about how much I love Fridays. I have just a little more spring in my step as I wind up my week. The weekend is set out before me like one big technicolor possibility. In reality, it's not that often that it lives up to my colorful, over the top, expectations. Yet, SOMETIMES it does, and that's just enough for me to have unwavering hope every time Friday rolls around. I know most people just relish the downtime. Reading the NY times with a croissant is heaven for most. I get that! For me, the perfect weekend would involve some combination of a great workout, great scores at an incredible flea market, a wonderful meal at a cozy bistro, drinks at a glam lounge and of course either an incredible concert or dancing the night away at a club to the 70's and 80's. Of course, you have to throw in balmy sunshine, great friends and/or a husband who is excited to be there. I know some folks by now are thinking: wow, that's a set up for disappointment. True, but luckily with age, I've also learned to appreciate the more muted weekends: maybe one good movie, a long walk with the dog, or a trip to the farmer's market. Whatever constitutes your ideal's to possibilities!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tired of Book Recommendations yet?

Here is a great link to check out if you feel stuck in your life and it's feeling far less than technicolor.

Tama Kieves' book: This Time I Dance, resonated so much with me that I am still making changes in my life, based on what I learned in her book.


Check out, this lady is creating her own technicolor world. Buy her books, they are great!!!

design inspiration

Downtown Chic

If you haven't heard about these folks, then you soon will. Robert and Cortney Novogratz, the husband and wife team from Sixx Design are soon to have a new show on Bravo about their life in design called 9 By Design, debuting April 5th at 10pm. I highly recommend their new book: DownTown Chic Designing your Dream Home:from Wreck to Ravishing. What makes Robert and Cortney interesting to me isn't the fact that they have 6 kids or a lot of natural creative talent. It's that they appear to live a fearless life. Because they are both clearly cool and beautiful people, it would be really easy for me to hate them and feel permanently bitter. In fact, often I avoid any story or book like theirs because I don't like the ugly feelings that surface within me. So, after reading Downtown Chic and scouring their blog, I was so happy to find that all I felt was complete admiration for them. They started with very little, seem very grounded and like me, love to have fun. My favorite part of their book is when they talk about inviting "filler" people to their parties, which they define as random folks or new friends who add new fun or interest to their gatherings. I found this hilarious as I know for a fact that I have been used as a filler person before. As most of my friends know, I will go to almost any length to have fun! Robert and Cortney-congratulations on the show, I will definitely be watching!



I spent the morning dancing with 3, 4 and 5 yr olds. We celebrated spring with a roots and shoots dance and playing with ribbon sticks. Then, off to my afternoon job where we spent a glorious afternoon outside "pretend camping". Lots of happy children today and beautiful weather after a dreadful 1.5 hour commute this morning. Happy to be home.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Happy, hippy haven

My Happy, Hippy Haven

In case you haven't checked out my house tour on Apartment therapy, here is the link:

You were created to create - not to react. Creation is the highest form of Divinity, and your birthright. Truth is, you are creating all the time. The central question in your life is whether you are doing this consciously or unconsciously. Conscious creation is what is needed now. Stop moping. And stop thinking negative thoughts. Just get on with it! Tomorrow awaits your choice as to how its going to be. Call the shots! Make it happen! You're in charge here.

Neale Donald Walsch
Professional Development

Yesterday at the Professional Development conference, there were a few folks who definitely were extraordinary and clearly living the lives they were intended to. One was Nancy Carlson -Paige, the author of TAKING BACK CHILDHOOD:Helping Your Kids Thrive in a Fast-Paced, Media-Saturated, Violence-Filled World.
Nancy is a wonderful speaker, knowledgeable, warm and funny. Someone you want to be friends with. Doesn't hurt that I agree with everything she stands for. Oh and BTW, she just happens to be Matt Damon's mom. The other person was Tom Foote who is a drummer and part of Rhythm Kids® trainings and classes. He and his drummers had us all up with drums and percussion instruments after lunch and before my second session. So much fun, such a lovely man! Wonderful technicolor surprises!!
I can see Clearly now the rain is gone..............
This is the first day in forever when it hasn't been raining. The sky is bright and clear and it feels like Spring is here!

Some of my art

Collaging anyone?

Some of my art and my visualization board!
Hooray for Lila Mae

Ok, so I mentioned something about Lila Mae. Well, last year I wrote a children's book called Hooray for Lila Mae and my good friend in the UK illustrated it. We have sent it to many publishers, so now will just have to wait and see. Here is one of her original drawings from the book that she sent me and I have framed on my wall. It is of Lila Mae's preschool classroom!

Stay at home day

Down Time

Working at home today, car in shop. Feels good not to rush around outside although I've had a productive day here. Trying to post some inspiration on this blog of mine before I open it up to others. It may take awhile it seems with all of my other work. Long day yesterday, 4 hours of professional development for teachers. Today I feel it in every part of my body. Feeling all day like I am on the verge of huge creative leap. Between the AT and Globe pieces on the house, all the great feedback on dance stuff and Lila Mae going out to more publishers, I feel like some more good things are coming my way.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Old friends

Make New Friends but keep the old..............

Just got back from a concert at our Waldorf School. Since we don't go to church and don't live in a neighborhood, this school is the one place that we can find a community that we have known for over 10 years. Even though our children have graduated and moved on, it still feels like home to us. It really makes you realize how comforting the familiar is.

This blog thing................

Blog Virgin

So, people have been telling me I should have a blog. I know they've suggested it from a design standpoint but I'm not sure that I have anything to add to the million of wonderful blogs already out there on design. I've decided to just speak about whatever it is that transports me from the mundane to the technicolor world that I really want to live in. I try to tell people by asking them if they remember when in the Wizard of Oz it goes from black and white to color.........that's the feeling I require to feel fully alive. I know, it's a huge burden being me, but I have to think there are others out there like me. I've met a few and I'd love to meet more. Let's face it, there's nothing better than meeting someone who REALLY "gets" you. So if you are one of those people who when you are in line at the post office and are wishing everyone would break into song.....then this blog is for YOU!