Sunday, April 25, 2010

Be Gentle

I continue to be in a mode where I am reading memoirs and self help books. Just this morning I finished the book: The Happiness Project. I didn't really love this book but I couldn't really pin point why. Then upon further reflection I realized it's because my life has been one long happiness project. There was not one thing in the book that I had not taken on at some point in my life with intention and fierce determination, in order to make myself "a better person". Food journal? Check! Joining a new group? Check! Bringing people together? Constantly!

Mindfulness, clutter clearing, new hobbies? Check, check, check! In fact, if I wrote the book of my happiness project it would probably be double the length and twice as boring. I felt tired after reading the book and reminded that it just may be my own quest for happiness that has me tired out most of the time.

When I feel that my life long happiness project is getting out of hand, I always come back to the yogic term Ahimsa which means non-violence. So my resolution just for today anyway is gentleness.

Feeling good enough rather than feeling like we have to beat ourselves into submission to be better is the hardest resolution of all!

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