Sunday, April 4, 2010


DSCN1137, originally uploaded by heatdance.

Light Bearers

We are the light bearers, stewards
of a truth that insists on being
shared despite doubt or fear
or imagined limitation.
We spread the flame
by teaching or by growing still,
by daring to be outrageous
and dancing beneath the full moon,
or by holding a friend in need
and taking part in life's normal routines.
This is our message--
there is hope encoded in each cell,
each loving thought,
each time we reach out to one another.
There's truth that won't be stopped
by toppling buildings, snipers' bullets,
war clouds on the horizon, or the inner storms
of grief, despair and insecurity.
We are the peace we've been seeking,
the peace that stretches
beyond the mind's need
for form or understanding
the peace for which each human heart longs.
Now is the time
for the light bearers to offer up the truth
of who and what we really are.

Danna Faulds

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