Friday, March 19, 2010

Confession to make................


I had an experience this morning which compels me to make a confession. I am actually someone who enjoyed high school. Now the reason I share this is that this morning my 18 year old son texted me for the umpteenth time over the last 4 years, asking me to bring something to him that he had forgotten. Well, being the great mom that I am (a.k.a enabler) I drove over on my way to work. When I got there, the back parking lot was coned off and was crawling with teenagers all playing and enjoying the beautiful weather. As I got out of my car and walked through the crowds, I was overcome with such a sense of anything being possible. Just by osmosis, I felt younger and freer being around the youth and exuberance of these teenagers. I felt so hopeful and alive and happy for them that they were living this moment. We are all so bombarded by negative anecdotes or media stories about teenagers, yet here was a picture that was just as real but yet so much more positive. Then, my own son came out the double doors of the school and into the sun and not only did I feel happy, I felt grateful!

1 comment:

  1. great post. i love it. i LOVED hs too! my best friends are still my hs friends. ahhhh....highschool....
