Friday, March 19, 2010


Every week I think about how much I love Fridays. I have just a little more spring in my step as I wind up my week. The weekend is set out before me like one big technicolor possibility. In reality, it's not that often that it lives up to my colorful, over the top, expectations. Yet, SOMETIMES it does, and that's just enough for me to have unwavering hope every time Friday rolls around. I know most people just relish the downtime. Reading the NY times with a croissant is heaven for most. I get that! For me, the perfect weekend would involve some combination of a great workout, great scores at an incredible flea market, a wonderful meal at a cozy bistro, drinks at a glam lounge and of course either an incredible concert or dancing the night away at a club to the 70's and 80's. Of course, you have to throw in balmy sunshine, great friends and/or a husband who is excited to be there. I know some folks by now are thinking: wow, that's a set up for disappointment. True, but luckily with age, I've also learned to appreciate the more muted weekends: maybe one good movie, a long walk with the dog, or a trip to the farmer's market. Whatever constitutes your ideal's to possibilities!!

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