Friday, March 26, 2010


Oh, Oh, Oh, It's Magic

I was thinking this morning as I was grabbing a mug and pouring my morning decaf that my love of anything magical goes back as far as I can remember. When I little, I was addicted to I Dream of Jeannie and even carried a picture of Barbara Eden around in my wallet. We were lucky enough to have a leather bottle at our house which my best friend and I would use in our Jeannie game. Even now, if I had all the money in the world, I would design a room in my house to replicate Jeannie's bottle. A few years ago, I gave that same best friend (now in her 40's) a full Jeannie costume. (She had the blonde pony tail and a much better figure for it). I believe she won a prize for best costume at her Bunko Halloween party. When I was in my thirties, my dad gave me a Jeannie doll which I now display in my kitchen. It makes me happy! Now, if I could only get my hands on a Bewitched doll......................

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