Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pleasure Seeker seeks Pleasure

Am I Enough?

So I was reading a post just now on a blog where the blogger's rule was to blog nothing negative, only happy stuff. I admire that and part of me really wanted to be able to pull that off. However, the reality is that the best I can do at this point in my life, is just not to be dreadfully depressing. I mean, I can't be the only blogger over 40 whose life in the last 15 years changed from tiny adoring children, weddings, baby showers, healthy friends and family to grown children, divorce, illness and death. O.K, I lied that IS dreadfully depressing! Yet isn't that just the reason that we are all searching for inspiration and wanting to share what we find with others. Because, life is hard, so when we get knocked down and our creative wells run dry, we sure hope that the collective, creative spirit whether in our communities, nature, or the blogosphere is there ready, willing and able to swoop in and replenish us. So instead of succumbing to the pressure to put on a happy face 100% of the time, I've decided to recommit to authenticity and trust. Hoping that somehow the ups and downs, the ebbs and flows, will balance themselves out and that somehow it will all be enough.

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