Saturday, March 27, 2010


Last night a friend and I went to a comedy club. My friend's college friend Mary is a comedian and had flown in from L.A to perform in Boston, so my friend invited me along. Since I NEVER say no to a good time, of course I agreed without hesitation. I do have to add here that I do somewhat bristle when I think of comedy clubs as I have a deep seated fear of being involved in audience participation. Specifically, I am afraid of being publicly humiliated and embarrassed. Happily, the pleasure seeker in me won out as usual. (I stubbornly won't give into fear). Anyway, we watched 2 sets before Mary came out. The first 2 acts were very funny with their over the top improv characters. Finally for the third set, it was Mary's turn. She came out with several other 40 and 50 something aged women who were clearly the most seasoned performers. I was moved and inspired by how brave, talented and confidant these woman were.
A few of them, I recognized from movies and t.v but they were all united in their seamless improvisational collaboration. I just kept thinking that these women flew all this way to do these shows in this tiny little Boston theater next to a local bar where just a few hours prior, the bartender had accidentally spilled wine all over Mary's white coat and pants. I thought that clearly, this is the work they were meant to do. It didn't matter what the venue was, what happened prior to the show, this is work that they are compelled to do even when it's uncomfortable or clearly not glamourous. The piece I decided to come away with was that if we are doing the work we were meant to do, that it is almost impossible to keep us from it. Even when we are in denial or when fears creep in, signs will keep popping up to remind us to get back on the path. Trusting that can be truly one of the hardest things, but I have to wonder what's the alternative?

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